Born in Avellino in 1980. After graduating in International and Political Sciences from the University L’Orientale di Napoli, she begins studying immigration and takes up a master’s degree at La Sapienza University in Rome on Education and Infant Behavior, attending many specialized courses. Since 2012 she has cooperated with Save the Children as teacher, and has assisted many different projects dedicated to minors, teachers, parents.
Since 2009 she has been assistant director for the shows Guardami and Prometeo directed by Pierpaolo Sepe and for Il Velo by Tommaso Tuzzoli. Starting from the year 2013 she becomes a member of stabilemobile. She is assistant director for C’è del pianto in queste lacrime, Francamente me ne infischio, A. H., MA, Ti regalo la mia morte, Veronika, Aminta directed by Antonio Latella and for Più leggero di un sughero, Misfit like a clown, Diritto al martedì, Il silenzio della ragione, Mentre d’intorno infuria il mondo , Aiace, directed by Linda Dalisi. Together with Linda Dalisi she has conducted a theatre workshop in Naples for immigrants and asylum seekers.