directed by Antonio Latella dramaturgy Federico Bellini, Linda Dalisi, Antonio Latella with Valentina Acca, Caterina Carpio, Candida Nieri stage and costume designers Marco Di Napoli and Graziella Pepe music and sound design Franco Visioli light design Simone De Angelis movement Francesco Manetti assistant director Francesca Giolivo light technician Roberto Gelmetti sound technician Giuseppe Stellato realization costumes Cinzia Virguti production Brunella Giolivo management Michele Mele produced by stabilemobile, La Corte Ospitale in collaboration with Emilia Romagna Teatro/VIE Festival special thanks to Trippen (A. Spieth e M. Oehler | Berlin), Laura Marinoni, Patrizia Bologna, Rosa Futuro première 1. Twins, 2. Atlanta VIE Festival, Teatro Dada, Castelfranco Emilia, 20 October 2011 premiere 3. Black 4. Match 5. Tara Teatro delle Passioni, Modena, 10 March 2013 Ubu Award 2013 – best direction, best actress to Valentina Acca, Caterina Carpio, Candida Nieri

© photo by Brunella Giolivo

Gone with the wind is the starting point of five acts marathon of dramatic sequences inspired by American cinema, literature and culture that give life to new revelations and aspects on the character of Scarlett O’Hara.